



火曜日, 6月 08, 2021

植物保護の重要性 No,490













Importance  of  plant  prote

Plant protection is the protection of agricultural and horticultural crops, trees and their environment from damage caused by pests, weeds, birds and beasts, and weather. 
 In the field of plant protection, pests, pests and weeds have been of particular importance so far.
 The role of plant protection is to research ways to minimize the damage caused by these plants and to guide them to countermeasures. Since the primary purpose of plant protection, which is an important field that contributes to securing energy sources for human life support and activities, was to secure food, emphasis was placed on means for targeting pests and clearly distinguishing their effects.
 I have come. "Organic synthetic compounds" are mainly used for pest control and weed control, and they have greatly contributed to food security and have continued to this day. 
 "Organic synthetic compounds" are compounds containing carbon and hydrogen, and what to make can be thought of by predicting what is required in the industrial field and what will be needed in the future. Design a new organic compound and consider a synthesis method.
Nowadays, many fields are expanding internationally, and the import and export of agricultural products is expanding without exception, and international expansion has been desired. 
 Under these circumstances, the way of thinking about plant protection is about to change significantly. 
 Means of plant protection are mainly implemented in the natural environment and are particularly closely related to the environment surrounding humans. 
 Therefore, environmentally friendly protective measures have been required rather than powerful drugs with all-purpose effects. 
 It can be said that we have reached the time when we must aim for further development by emphasizing the increasing demand for plant protection in modern society.

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